We are your Business Units to German and European Market, i.e., we represent your Company and Brands, we are your extension to respective Market, your Commercial/Business support as well as your Sales Team.
Listing and Placing
Sales Force
Work together Companies that brings Dynamism, great action and reaction to Business, Originality, Innovation, High-Quality and Identity, as well as they seek to have a Long- Terms Relationship with the Market.

Smart Money
+ 10K
Possible Clients on B2B Market
+ 10K
+ 40KP.O.S
+ 50k
Impression in ours Social Medias
+ 50k

WBM Sales Partner is a Business Unit by WBM International Grp. We are founded in Köln, Deutschland, and here is our Headquarter.
Stadt Köln is a City that live more over 1.083.000 people, and the PIB correspond to € 63.4 Billions , with this become the fourth big city from Germany.
Here we have the most important Commercial and Financial Centre from the Nord-Rhein Westfalen state, moreover, is an important Logistic and Transportation Hub.

… Success to German and European Market depends on the excellent Vision and Management as well as develop the perfect way to Sell and to do Business. Meanwhile we must have the correct Strategies, Relationship with the Market, Control of Sales Process, Dedication and customize treatment with each Client. With this onto Medium Terms we can reach the Results.

The Economic Operators Registration and Identification system was established for implementation of the security measures set by Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92, as amended by Regulation (EC) No 648/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

Fairness im Handel
“Fairness in retail” stands for mutual consideration and open communication within the strong community of participating retailers. The initiative of IT-Recht Kanzlei and eRecht24 pursues the goal of a warning-free online trade.

General terms and conditions, or GTC for short. They serve to simplify and standardize mass contracts, as the clauses of the General Terms and Conditions are not negotiated individually and per person, but apply equally to all contractual partners.

Juristisch Betreut
Legal Support through IT-RECHT-KANZLEI .